Teaching your kids to serve
My youngest daughter had a stroke in Dec. 2016 when she was three years old. During the month that she was hospitalized, we were blessed by the Ronald McDonald House Charities, which is a home away from home, for all the families that have kids in the hospital. In the past I had heard of the Ronald McDonald House but never really knew the magnitude of an impact that they make. The house offers a private room with bathroom, community kitchen with warm meals, play areas for the kids, activities and more. This place truly became home for us, not only in Tampa but in St. Petersburg when we had to go back this year for a three week intensive therapy.
I have always been intentional about teaching my kids to serve. In my opinion the real world is not in all the things I can give my kids and the fun experiences they can have (including all the fiction that is out there for kids). To me, the real world is to teach your kids how fortunate they are with the little or much they have, and for them to see the world’s greatest needs and how they can contribute to make a difference. Having said this, I like to teach them to share, give, help and serve. Here is how I do it:
Christmas and birthdays are special times for them, but they don’t have to be ALL about them. These can be opportunities to bless others too.
I model service to them. We are constantly helping others and volunteering at church.
We take them on mission trips and show them how fortunate they are with all of what they have.
I ask them for their own ideas as to how we can help others. This helps them take ownership.
This is our way of life. (Service is not what we do in Christmas time only, but we TRY to make it our way of life).
Last week I decided to reach out to the Ronald McDonald House to see if we could volunteer for Christmas, but all three houses in our area were booked completely with volunteers making lunch and dinner (they do a cold breakfast so no volunteers). I was pretty sad that we missed a wonderful opportunity. After a few minutes after having ended my conversation, I received a call back from the Ronald McDonald House telling me that they had a cancelation for Monday (that was in three days) and if we could come and make lunch. I was so tempted to say “no” because my weekend was already packed with activities and I was going to be exhausted. Well, I said “yes” and after I hung up, I wondered how we were going to pull it together. I quickly call some friends and thank God, we had a team put together to go and cook and helped me with the purchase of the food.
Yesterday, we had a wonderful time making taco salad for 40 people (that’s how many are staying at the house and come through out the day to eat) and our kids were ready to mingle and make crafts with the children that were staying there.
I encourage you to find a place, person, charity or ministry that you can help and encourage your kids to love to serve. This empowers them to be world-changers.
Thank you team, you are the best to join me in such a short notice.
My choices affect my kids and spouse. My refusal to admit change will hurt them and generations to come.
My daily life has more impact on my children than I realize. I need to be what I want my children to be one day.
I hope that each of us can create types of relationships in which others can feel safe in sharing their feelings.
Focusing on the reasons you fell in love will keep a flirtatious love with your spouse.
Listening is important for our current relationships, but also for the quality of what those relationships be.
In the business of parenthood, we forget how privileged we are. When we take control of our exhausted minds and focus on how blessed we are, we become more pleasant parents.
Our childhood drama, baggage can have a negative impact on our current relationships.
If we don’t understand what the real issues or problems are in a relationship we will always be fighting the wrong battle. If you are tired of fighting…stop, because more likely you have been fighting the wrong enemy.
It is sad to see how some women allow others to step over them and disrespect them or take advantage.
I don’t understand why sometimes we think we will get somewhere, but don’t take time to think of the destination and then how to get there.
Kids and adults that have the spirit of giving are not always like that because that’s how they were born. Some are born like that but others are taught that. Our environment and upbringing shapes us. I will share how I am intentionally shaping my kids lives so they are giving people.
Intentional parenting is best done by the way I live my life. Is what the kids see in me when I don’t realize they are watching me.
We must treasure and make the best of every moment, remembering that our relationship with them now will also affect our relationship with them in the future.
I’ve been drained out lately & feeling overwhelmed but going up this mountain, I was reminded of how I need to overcome my daily (obstacles) mountains.
Love is a choice, not a feeling. When we understand the power of this choice, we can experience transformation in our marriage.
We want to keep our families safe during coronavirus, but we cannot forget the emotional health and peace our kids need during this time.
We moved to help others and I know that in the process of doing that, my kids will learn valuable lessons for life that will help them live a life with purpose.
I want to bring awareness to pediatric stroke. Our little one had one when she was three and two years later we want people to know that kids can have strokes too. Signs are very much like when adults have a stroke.
One of the things I love about parenting, is teaching my children to share and have compassion.
Strong-willed children is can be hard work at the beginning, but I believe that it is rewarding because they have personality traits to do great things in the world.
Valentine’s Day is wonderful, but I buy to the idea of Valentine’s Life. A daily intentional proclamation of my love that goes beyond materialistic gifts.
Learning from our mistakes is the best attitude we can embrace as we face our daily lives. I want my journey to benefit others, this way I feel like I have served a purpose. Join my journey.
Why preparing for a blended family is so important? It’s crucial to prepare for success because the last thing we want is to experience another devastating break up, specially for the kids. Wedding preparations are a big thing, but how about after you say “I do,” how did you prepare for that?