



Valentine's Life

Valentine's Life

Love is so much more than just one day, one box of chocolate and one bouquet of flower. Love is our lives and how we live it. Love is how my life affects those around me. Love is a choice and it’s what I do everyday for my spouse, significant other, family and myself. Love is what I stop doing because it hurts me and those around me. Love is sacrifice, perseverance and commitment to being a better version of me, leaving behind the destructive, negative parts of me. Love is humility and being able to say I am sorry. Love is kind words. Love is for life and not only for Feb. 14. Love is commitment to stick around no matter what. How are you celebrating Valentine’s life. If we change our thoughts from celebrating one day. Our families and marriage would be so different.

We don’t really celebrate Valentine’s day. Years ago we made that decision. Don’t take me wrong, I am not against it either.  We just don’t put the pressure and expectation of a gift and dinner on Feb. 14. On the other hand we want to be the couple who celebrates their love daily and does random acts, gives random gifts, to celebrate LOVE. This has to be accompanied with unconditional love and respect. 

I prefer the gifts that come from the heart as oppose to the ones he is encouraged to buy, because consumerism is telling him to.  Having said this, have a great Valentine’s Day and do the same everyday.  I bet you if we all did this everyday our marriages would experience some healthy growth. 

A little advice, if you don’t have time to buy a fancy gift.  Think of those meaningful things that your spouse likes. Go home and with a handmade note do those things for them. Do they like a clean house? Clean it! Do they enjoy a walk at night? Go on a walk! Do they enjoy cooking together? Cook with them your romantic Valentine’s dinner!   And don’t only do this today, do it everyday, I bet you this will transform your marriage.

Send them random texts messages today with why you appreciate them.  Send them a YouTube link, with your favorite love song or a new one.  A quick phone call through out the day with a little flirt is fun. 


Let me know what are those things that you do to let your spouse know you love them!

This is what I am doing, to not be overwhelmed in parenting a strong-will child.

This is what I am doing, to not be overwhelmed in parenting a strong-will child.

Sharing my journey

Sharing my journey