Thoughts Enhance Love
Our thoughts are so powerful!!!!! What I think about my kids, husband, myself and others, to certain extend will determine how I will treat them. This is not the first time I write about it, but it is worth the reminder. I recently wrote about my thoughts towards my kids. Today my focus is on my husband.
Recently, I was asked to shared my husband’s and my love story, so I have been spending sometime down memory lane remembering, when I met him and our first date and the time we spend together getting to know each other more. For sure, this has sparked a sweeter love for him. Not sure how to put all of that in words. I guess what I am trying to say is that, though I love him and choose to love him daily (I believe love is a choice), remembering why I fell in love with him, has enhance that love, as oppose to the routine love that gets caught up in the business of life. This love is more flirtatious, patient, easy to overlook little things….. I believe sometimes in the routine love, we may focus on fix and function mode, this can start taking the spark out of the relationship.
This blog post is short and to the point. Spend sometime remembering all the amazing things about your spouse and why you fell in love with him/her….. Let me know what that does to you?