



Sharing my journey

One of the things that I love about my blog is that I get to share the so many ways God has blessed me. Of course my life hasn’t always been perfect and painless, but for sure it has been a blessed one.

When we choose to look at everything that comes our way as an opportunity to grow, then we have control of our outcome. I can choose to make the best out of whatever situation I find myself in and strive for change, or I can choose to dwell in misery and stew in negative thoughts and situations.

My blog was created to share about my everyday life and how I want to simplify it. I want to be a great mom, wife, and person. I like to share in my blog all the things that have worked for me and some of my mistakes, so that my journey can be of benefit to others. This way, I feel that my mistakes where at least good for something.

I am about to embark in a couple of months of focusing on blended families, how to prepare for them and how to make them successful. I will be launching my course on “how to prepare for a unified and successful blended family.” I am super excited about it!!!! If you have any suggestions on things that I should include in that topic, I appreciate you sending them my way on the comments below.

Finally, if you have any specific topics you would like me to talk about in this family/lifestyle blog, please send them my way.

Valentine's Life

Valentine's Life

Food power

Food power