About this blog

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family Life

Parenting- So, if I thought that I got to learn a lot about myself through marriage, I can tell you that I got a master or even a doctorate about myself when it comes to parenting.  This is definitely and area in which, I have been humbled.  

I had the blessing of having my first son, potty trained, walking and talking from the get go.  When I married my handsome husband, I got a combo, with a handsome son.  I will share about this journey and all the other wonderful parenting things I have learned, and still have to learn and the ones you can help me discover too.

Marriage- Hubby and I have been married for 12 years.  I wish I could say they have been 12 perfect years, but they haven't.  They have been years of learning about ourselves and above all about God's love, grace and His character.  As I have always said..."if I had to do it again, I would because marriage is not a fairy tale, but a journey, a beautiful one, if we choose to look at it that way."  Ups are good, but downs are not necessarily bad. In this blog I long to share what has worked for us and where we have also learned from our mistakes.

Health- I believe that health is an important part of family life.  A great gift that is giving to generations to come.  Healthy choices and living starts from birth, however it is never too late to start.  It is clear to me that I cannot expect my kids to live healthy lifestyles if I do not model them, what discipline, purpose, success looks like.  I have to be what I want them to be.  These things were model to me at home and for some time in my late 20's I picked up some small habits that were contrary to what I was taught and what I want for my children.  Needless to say, I have been working super hard now to go back to healthy ways, so that I can gift it to my kids and grandkids.

Good eating its a major one of the health choices I want for them.  In this blog, I will share how we are transitioning to a mostly vegan lifestyle and we will share some of the delicious recipes we enjoy as a family.



about me

I was born in Colombia, South America, and moved to the United States of America at the age of 11 years old.  Transitioning from one country to another was definitely, hard, but I consider it a learning experience.  For the next 20 years of my life in the USA, I have had the opportunity to travel the world, get married, have a family and experience a bunch of adventures that I will share in this blog.  I love photography and cooking, specially vegan recipes. 

Ever since I was a kid, I have memories of wanting to help people. As a teenager I was always involved in some time of leadership or mission trip with my school and church. I have worked as a pastor for 10 years and have enjoyed God's calling.  However, I believe that not only some are called to serve, but all.  Yes some may have the gift of preaching and teaching, while others don't.  We are all called to serve our family, friends and neighbors.  Can you imagine how different this world would be if we all lived out our calling and lived to make a difference?  

Service is not only an opportunity to help others in their journey, but it has been a greater blessing to me. I have been able to learn from others as we strive to help one another.


Pediatric Stroke

After our 3 year old daughter had a stroke we want to bring pediatric stroke awareness.

  • Stroke can occur before birth, in infants, children and young adults.

  • Risk of stroke is highest in the first year of life and peaks during the perinatal period (a few weeks before and after birth).

  • Perinatal arterial ischemic stroke is the most common form of stroke in children.

  • Perinatal stroke occurs in 1 in every 2800 live births. This incidence is likely to be an underestimate.*

  • You may also hear terms like fetal stroke, prenatal stroke, and in utero stroke. Your doctor may refer to a stroke that occurs between birth and one month of age as a neonatal stroke.

  • Sixty percent of infants with a stroke diagnosis have specific symptoms such as recurrent focal seizures in the first three days of life. Their stroke will most likely be identified early.

  • However, forty percent of infants with early stroke do not have symptoms and the stroke is recognized later with delays in movement, development, learning, or seizures.

  • The risk of stroke from birth through age 19 is approximately 5 per 100,000 children.

  • Perinatal, neonatal, infant and childhood stroke are some of the most common causes of hemiplegia, hemiparesis, or hemiplegic cerebral palsy in children. Sixty percent of the children who survive a stroke will have permanent neurological problems.

  • We’re sad to report that stroke is one of the top 10 causes of death in children between the ages of 1 and 19 years.

  • Stroke happens as often as brain tumors in children." http://chasa.org/medical/pediatric-stroke/