



You can't fall out of love

You can't fall out of love

I while back I wrote a blog on “How to stay in Love,” and it has been one of my most viewed blog on a weekly basis. I have noticed that the topic on, “can’t fall out of love,” “falling in love,” etc…anything that has to do with “love,” is super popular. So, I have decided that I will write a series on Love. Just for the record I don’t pretend to know everything on this matter, but I do have lots of experience in making my marriage of 14 years work. I love my husband and he loves me, we are happily married and have a beautiful family. However, these have not always been our feelings towards one another, we have struggle in our marriage, due to our personalities, temperaments and poor communication skills (we are still working on this one).

One thing that I know we have done right, is to learn to hang in there and to focus on our love and family, as we learn to live with each other, lol. We have looked for help, as we understand that we did not go into marriage with a degree on how to be a wife/husband/parent. We have listened to the seminars, counselors and read the books. Our commitment to each other and to God, have helped us to not fall out of love.

Today, I just wanted to share what is coming ahead. Subscribe to my newsletter, so that you can be the first to know when my series on “Love” comes out. My husband and I look forward to journeying together with you.

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