



I Moved to Thailand

I Moved to Thailand

Dear Reader,

I feel like it has been forever since I last wrote. I love blogging and I have missed writing, but my life has changed drastically since my last post.

A while back my husband and I decided to move overseas as a contribution in our goal to make a difference in the world. We believe in living a life with purpose and we felt the need to venture out of our comfort zone in the United States. Originally we were going to move to Ireland and from one day to the other things changed and we end it up in Thailand! Seriously, I had no time to process this. The decision was made and we had to get rid of everything and get ready to move to the other side of the world. All of this happened at the end of spring, then we moved to Michigan for a training and then Oct. 16 we arrived in Thailand with our 12 bags plus carry ons.

Since we got to Thailand, I have lived so much and it has only been two months, but it actually seems like a lifetime. For starters, I experienced culture shock!!!! The heat, the smells, not understanding anything, not having a place to live and starting from scratch, took a little to getting use to. We were thankful to have wonderful friends to help us through this transition time, and now we are feeling more at home.

So, why did we move? Like I said earlier, because we want to make a difference in the world. This is what I have always wanted. Hubby and I also thought this would be the right time for our family, since our girls are still at an age where they can easily adapt.

As you know I am all about being an intentional parent and one of the things I want to solidify in my kids minds, is that we need to live in reality. Our kids in general are bombarded with movies of superheroes and cute princesses, but that is not the real world. To be filled with toys and stuff, is not the real world. Entertainment is not true happiness. I want my kids to learn that in the real world there is pain/ suffering and we are here to make a difference as we live with purpose, so that one day they will look back and feel satisfied. True happiness comes from helping others. (Please don’t take me wrong…..I am not saying to never watch a movie or go to a theme park…..I am just saying life is not all about those things).

While we have been here, my girls are seeing needs, we live in a city, so we have commodity, but we also see poverty and we have also changed our lifestyle to live with a lot less than what we had back home. This was our choice and we do not regret it. Lots of money and more stuff is not everything in life, of course using money wisely is always a blessing, but is not the only way to be blessed.

I will be sharing our journey via video and I invite you to follow us on youtube.

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