



Support Adoption

Support Adoption

I am teaching my kids to have a big heart and not only think of themselves. I want them to think globally and be a blessing to others. I am so thankful that so far is working. My 9 year old decided to make purses to sell to give all the funds raised to her best friends family who are adopting from India. The family is not requesting money, but we all know that international adoption is costly and as a family we wanted to contribute into something meaningful and life changing. If you are interested in her handmade bags you can click here or if you would like to go to the gofundme account I created for them, you can click here.

What I learned from my daughter's stroke

What I learned from my daughter's stroke

This is what I am doing, to not be overwhelmed in parenting a strong-will child.

This is what I am doing, to not be overwhelmed in parenting a strong-will child.