



Covid was hard on our Puppy

Covid was hard on our Puppy

Having Covid was not fun, especially the quarantine portion. Obviously being sick was hard, but thank God we had a mild case of it. My oldest daughter and I had fever and body ache for a couple of days, my youngest one day and night, and hubby had lots of fatigue, congestion, and no fever. All of us had sore throats too. However, the hardest part was keeping our puppy safe.

Our little Teddy is about five months old. He is full of energy and loves to be snuggled, and spoiled. He loves to play with our girls and is used to sleeping in our bedroom. His life changed drastically when we all got Covid and had to keep our distance. The poor little guy didn’t know what happened.

From being an inside dog, now he spent a lot of time outside. When he would see us, naturally he wanted to jump on us and play. He would come up our screen door and stare at us like, “why aren’t you letting me in?” He doesn’t understand what is happening, but we want to keep him safe and we follow the guidelines my friend shared with us from America. You see we live in Thailand and I don’t know what they recommend here, we didn’t go to the doctor, we just stayed home. Not sure what they are doing now, but before, if you had Covid you had to stay at the hospital and we didn’t want that (unless it was a real emergency).

Here are the guidelines we followed:

  1. Not sleeping in the same room

  2. Always kept social distance

  3. Kept him outside as much as possible

  4. Wore a mask when handling him

  5. Wash our hands before touching him (we did pet him a little bit since he is still a baby and would cry for affection)

The end of quarantine was the happiest day ever for Teddy!

Growing in My Relationship

Growing in My Relationship

