My choices affect my kids and spouse. My refusal to admit change will hurt them and generations to come.
All in Parenting
My choices affect my kids and spouse. My refusal to admit change will hurt them and generations to come.
I hope that each of us can create types of relationships in which others can feel safe in sharing their feelings.
Listening is important for our current relationships, but also for the quality of what those relationships be.
Kids and adults that have the spirit of giving are not always like that because that’s how they were born. Some are born like that but others are taught that. Our environment and upbringing shapes us. I will share how I am intentionally shaping my kids lives so they are giving people.
Intentional parenting is best done by the way I live my life. Is what the kids see in me when I don’t realize they are watching me.
We must treasure and make the best of every moment, remembering that our relationship with them now will also affect our relationship with them in the future.
We moved to help others and I know that in the process of doing that, my kids will learn valuable lessons for life that will help them live a life with purpose.
Strong-willed children is can be hard work at the beginning, but I believe that it is rewarding because they have personality traits to do great things in the world.
Learning from our mistakes is the best attitude we can embrace as we face our daily lives. I want my journey to benefit others, this way I feel like I have served a purpose. Join my journey.
Food power- power to bring health and power to bring illness and weight challenges.
Our parents need us to give them guidance and direction. They need us now more than ever. We cannot take parenting lightly, we have to be intentional, so that we can prepare our kids to make wise choices.
Traditions and holidays can be great memories in the life of a child or in your marriage.
Sleepovers can be fun memories for kids, but if not careful can be horrible ones too.
Going from working mom, to stay at home mom, has been a little challenging, interesting and full of lessons. I am also the homeschool teacher and OT/PT therapist for my girls.
Remember that there is a world out there that will already put our children down, so let us be the strong foundation they need at home.
Quality time with our kids is not that hard. We need to put some interest, effort and creativity. This will build lasting relationships and strong bonds.
Growing up without a dad, has helped me to realized how valuable the presence of father makes in the life of a child.
I believe this is an area that we give our kids a head start to a successful life in the real world.
Sibling love happens by intentionally teaching them and modeling to them what love and respect looks like.