



Best way to make room for all the gifts your kids got!

Best way to make room for all the gifts your kids got!

I don't know about you, but after Christmas I usually have to be creative to find more space to put all the gifts my kids get, from all the aunties, uncles, grandparents, etc...  This year specially, its crucial that we have a plan, because as we prepare to move out of the country, we have downsized significantly and we cannot take a lot of stuff with us when we move.  

I have also been the type of parent that believe that when your kids have too many toys, they don't really enjoy them as much and the toys become clutter and do not promote a peaceful environment for anyone, because I get frustrated with the toys all over (no matter how much I tell my kids to pick them up immediately after they are done playing with them), and I really don't think my kids get to enjoy them either.  When they have less toys and things are more organize, I believe they do better, not to mention, what a good idea it is for them not to become spoil with having to have a million toys.

Sharing its a core value for me, and I long to pass this to my kids.  I want them to learn to share and specially with those that do not have anything.  They need to realize that happiness is not stuff and more stuff.  So, when we start approaching birthdays and Christmas, I begin to tell them that we need to start thinking which toys or things in their room do we need to give away to open up room for the new things to come.  Also, during the year when they want toys, I remind them that they can do a list and we can save those things for birthdays or Christmas.  In case you are wondering, I do buy them toys/things from time to time outside of their birthday, however, I have taught them that this its not the norm all the time.  The other day I heard my oldest daughter telling her friend "my parents taught me that I don't always have to get everything I I have learned to be happy with with what I get."  I wasn't sure if I should be proud or feel sorry for my daughter. lol.

Basically, as remind your child the importance of sharing in this new year and you can also make plenty of room for those amazing toys they got.

1. Tell them to choose their best toys or favorite ones they want to keep.

2. Tell them to choose the ones they want to share with others and think of how happy they will make the child that will receive the toys/or clothes. 

3.  When they are not with you, go through their toys and clothing that you know they no longer use and have even forgotten that they have and put it in the give away pile.  (sometimes my kids when they see something they think they wanted but deep down I know they careless for that toy, so its better for them not to see)

4. A new rule could be, for every new thing that comes in the house, something has to come out.

5. Be ready to enjoy less toys to pick up after, I mean your kids to pick up after!


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