



Growing up Without a Dad

Growing up Without a Dad

Growing up, my dad and I both lived in two different countries.  I grew up with my mom, aunts, uncles and grandparents. My uncles and grandfather in Colombia fulfilled the father role that I needed at that point in my life.  When I moved to the United States, God placed two wonderful men to be role-models at just the right time, because when I was 15 years old I went through a season of questioning and missing having my own dad in my life.  To be honest this season lasted well into my 30's. It affected me personally as I had moments of great insecurity and in my marriage, with the way I related to my husband, many times filling abandonment and rejection.  I am thankful to say that this is behind me now and I am grateful that eventually my dad and I ended up living in the same country and this helped us build on years that we both missed out.  Now, I don't only have my uncles, grandfather and two amazing dads, but also my own dad in my life and for this I am happy.  This experienced also helped me get close to God as my heavenly Father and not a distant God.  For many years, He was the only one that I could truly call Daddy!

Today, was Father's Day and many of you got to call your dad's and celebrate, however, there are probably a lot more of you that do not have a father or have a broken relationship with your father, and to be quite honest today was a sad day for you.  I want to invite you think of the men that God have placed in your life that have invested in you, that taught you how to drive, or change your car oil, or that person that person that taught you how to shave, or gave you a fatherly advice about guys and what they want.  I know there has to be a man that has taken time to believe in you and is sheering for you, so end your Father's Day today, grateful for them and take time to call them and let them know how much you appreciate them and what they mean in your life.  After all you may be like me, with more dads then you ever imagined.

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