



Holidays and traditions

Holidays and traditions

Holidays and traditions are wonderful opportunities to bond with friends and family. I believe relationships are strengthen by spending time together with a meaningful purpose and holidays can do that. As a family we love to host family and friends for a meal and games and when the holidays come around we have the perfect excuse to have people over. Whether you are a social butterfly like we are, or not, relationships are important. So, if you are more of a home body and totally happy with yourself, you should consider inviting those who are close to you, to celebrate a holiday with you or a new tradition that you may wish to start. You will more likely find this refreshing, even if you do it once a year.

I have discover that when you have kids, traditions and holidays are important because these will become memories of home and childhood. These are the things that when they come back home from college or after they move out, will bring warmth and a since of belonging. I think of some of my childhood memories and traditions and these are such a positive experiences. Here are some of those memories for me:

  • Christmas, I loved the fact that family from out of town would always come.

  • Our Christmas decorations were few, but our MANGER was the highlight and it was a big one with a little village made up of houses, people and animals all leading up to the manger. This was so much fun as a kid putting together.

  • The day affter Christmas and new years we would always go out in nature as a family either for a cookout or swimming in some river.

  • Friday nights we would all gather for a family time and had prayer together. We ate “empanadas” (spinach turnovers) along with other delicious food. But the “empanadas” were always part of the menu, and these make my memories extra especial.

These are some of the traditions and holidays I am wanting to utilize to bond with my kids and grow in relationships with others:

  • Christmas tree decorating. Once my girls got older, I bought a Christmas tree and invited the same friends every year to decorate with us.

  • Friday nights we always have some type of desert.

  • We sit together for dinner at the table every night as a family without any entertainment to distract us. (I can see how my girls love this time, specially because of the conversations around the table).

  • Halloween is a holiday I don’t participate on, but I have started a new tradition for my kids. We go to our favorite Ice cream shop and then come home and watch a movie together. I have been doing this for about 5 years now.

  • My oldest daughter wants to start a talent show tradition for family birthdays. We did it for my aunt’s birthday and had a blast, because everyone in the family had to participate. We had poems, magic tricks, instrument playing and jokes. The family members that are the most introverts, became the judges.

  • We snuggle every night for about 10 minute with the girls after we are done with our bedtime routine.

  • For thanksgiving, I always like to go around the table and have everyone share something that they are thankful for.

  • As a couple, hubby and I always pray together at night and in the morning. (Depending how early he leaves for work, morning one sometimes is skipped, however, this tradition has helped us in our relationship)

What are some of the traditions or holidays that you like? If you don’t have anything that comes to mind right now, this is a perfect opportunity for you to incorporate some into your life whether you are single or with a family.

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