



Daring Parent

Daring Parent

A little over a year ago we went to Costa Rica on a mission trip and at the end of the trip we took a break and went zip-lining.  I decided that my two year old would come with us, because I had seen other 2 year olds do it and enjoyed it!  Well, when we got up to the mountain, we went on the first zipline and soon I realized that this might be a bit too much for my little munchkin, so I had to come up with plan B even though I was at the point of no return. Have you ever been in that place of your life, where things didn't go quite as you expected it and had to regroup?  

Well, here we were standing on a pole and the only way out was one more line and then down the mountain walking....did I mentioned it was drizzling and cold?  I don't remember how long we walked, all I know it was a long time and I was thankful that a guide came down with us.  

Remember, even though life doesn't always turn out the way we plan it, at some point we have to adjust and enjoy the rest of the ride.  In my case, the walk down the slippery, wet mountain. Oh, I did feel like a horrible parent for putting my 2 and 5 years old girls on those zip lines, but now as I look back, I like to think that I was teaching them to be adventurous and also the way that I handled the inconvenience taught them that it's ok to be flexible and to adjust to your circumstances.  I do want to say I am grateful for God's protection and giving me the wisdom to change plans.  


Blended Family

Blended Family

Three In One

Three In One