



Three In One

Three In One

Three in one is how I see myself most days.  I am a wife, mother and pastor.  Nothing special about this because that's most of all of us (husband, dad, accountant, or nurse, daughter caring for an elderly parent and student working on a master).  So, nothing special about me, that's just life today.  I do want to share how I have managed to survive in those three roles, because most of you know that there are moments were it truly is survival.  

1. I have been very intentional with God's help to wear my wife hat well, though at times I have needed help (which I will share in another blog).  Accountability, to God, my counselor, best friend and husband, has kept me on my toes to constantly keep this area of my life growing.  If not, exhaustion, frustration from work or a stressful day with the kids, can hurt my role as a wife. 

2. I love my kids and I feel like in this area I need so much growth. I read about parenting, I listen to seminars, I don't mind parent counseling, but at the end of the day what has worked best are these two powerful, yet so simple steps. 

-To intentionally and specifically pray for my kids (my husband and I kneel and pray for whatever may be going on with them in the morning or at night when they are sleeping, and also reading for a few minutes together some parenting lessons).

-To be patient with myself and not expect perfection right away.

3. I love what I do and for a while I was loading myself with unrealistic expectations that God had never put on me.  I have not burned out, because now I view myself as a pastor all the time.  Everything that I do, is not just because I work as a pastor, but its my life and calling.  I know that this might not help you, because you have to clock in and out, or you are salary and have to take work home, while still managing the family.  Here is where boundaries are so important.  I recommend these two books that have helped me as I journey through having boundaries and understanding priorities.  


Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less.  By Greg McKeown

Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life. By Henry Cloud and John Townsend

Daring Parent

Daring Parent