



Why it is important to stick to the rule!

Why it is important to stick to the rule!

I am writing at 10:49pm as I sit outside my girls room, following through with a rule that i have been somewhat flexible for way to long.  My oldest has always had a problem sleeping and staying in her room.  If it was up to her she would sleep with us every night. I know some believe it is healthy for kids to do that, but I subscribed to that school of thought for a short time before I reaized that for us as a family that would not work.  Not to mentioned that logistically it's not a good idea, our bed is a full size bed and my husband is over 6 feet tall, so NO!  Now our little one was a great sleeper, always in her room and door shut, rocked for about three minutes and then in her crib and off to a great night.  One day this ended, no warnings, just ended and the dram started. So the new set up is that both girls sleep together and are to stay in bed after bedtime routine and cuddles.  Well a couple of nights a week we do end up playing the scape game.  They run out of the room with every excuse in the book.  The rule is whoever walks out of room will sleep in homeschool room, sometimes this is carried through and other times they beg and promise they won't do it again. Well, tonight it's the last day of that, because I am teaching them to play this game which is not ok, because now is 10:58pm and one out of the two still awake (kids need their beauty sleep and so do I). The other thing thing I am teaching them is that what I say is not always so and that they can test me every time, because sometime they can get away....that in itself can be a game in their mind.  I know o have blogged on this similar topic before....but in this matter, I have been slow to learn the importance of consistancy in everything with kids, especially mine who are both strong willed, driven, go getters girls that take no for an answer. 

Thank you for being my accountability and as I write this, the tantrum finished and one is asleep and the other is on her way.   

Remember in your parenting rules, guidelines or whatever you call them.  Are they unforced by your mood, or are they always followed as rules and guidelines?   

One last thing, I am not talking about my kid has a nightmare and needs to run to mama at night or is sick or we plan a sleepover in their room. I am talking about obedience, respect, following throw with specific instructions.  Our consistency in these things help them to be secure as they know what to expect.

Well, goodnight and thanks for journeying with me in the beautiful path of parenting.


picture is from Spark Post  

Husbands, reflective listening can enhance your marriage.

Husbands, reflective listening can enhance your marriage.

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