



Intentional parenting-leaves a legacy for generations

Intentional parenting-leaves a legacy for generations

This last week at a pastor retreat, the main speaker talked about leaving our family a legacy.  All of us know that every institution has a vision and mission statement.  However, how many of us take time to have a vision and mission statement for our marriage and families.  This is a great question because our family is the most important institution that we can ever be a part of and to hope for the best is not enough.  We have to be intentional parents and spouses.  One of the questions that the presenter asked was about the legacy we are leaving to our grandkids and great-grandkids.  Honestly, I have never thought about that legacy part, I have always tried to be a good intentional parent to my daughters and son, so one day they can be great parents and spouses, but never gave much thought about their grandkids.  

During the presentations we were encouraged to choose our family values and out of those come up with our vision statement.  This was a great  exercise for my husband and I.   

I encourage you to check out their curriculums'

A while ago, I shared on one of my post about a couples retreat in which couples talk about their goals for the marriage for the following year and it was fantastic, check it out for more details.


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