



The stroke

The stroke

 December 28th, 2016 was a turning point for our family.  The day went as any normal day, work, play, dinner, and then in a matter of seconds our lives were upside down.  My youngest daughter Adela, had finished eating her dinner and walked over to daddy to help him feed the fish and at that moment she dropped to the floor.  A few seconds later not realizing why she was on the floor, other than that's what kids do sometimes when they are playing, I asked her to get up. Since I didn't get her cooperation, I asked my husband to pick her up and when he did she kinda dropped down again, so he picked her up again and I asked her to look at me and walk towards me.  It was a that point that I realized something was wrong and told him to call 911.  Adela started crying and looked to me as she was going in and out.  When ambulance got to our house and they started checking her and questioning us, one of the EMT said, we are flying her to the hospital, this looks like a stroke.  It was at this point that I thought my life was coming to an end.  I was not allowed to go in the helicopter with her and when the helicopter was going up, I thought I was being ripped apart.  I fell to my knees on the side of the road and pleaded the Lord to grant her life.  God filled us with strength and protection as we took the most difficult drive of our lives to the hospital.  That night they did an MRI and confirmed she did have a stroke and kept her in ICU for a couple of days, before they transferred us to a regular room.  Since that day that we got to the hospital until today, our lives have changed.  The first week or so she could not speak, walk,  sit up on her own.  Little by little the Lord strengthened her and she stayed in the hospital for a month strengthening her legs, speech and arm movement.

"We are part of the big picture, but we must live every moment to the fullest, live it as a defineing moment, because that is all we have."  I want to live "my everyday today" because it is all I have and I am thankful to God for it.  Kiss those around you today and let them know how much you love them and appreciate them.

My Kid Won't Stop Crying

My Kid Won't Stop Crying

Raw honest feelings

Raw honest feelings