



Happily Ever After

Happily Ever After

Marriage is wonderful, but for some, at times it can be a nightmare.  All of us go through the moments or seasons of ups and downs, just like in any other type of relationships.  I have found that to have a wonderful marriage it takes work!  This doesn’t come just naturally, at least for my marriage, because our human nature often wants to show up and show off and make it all about “me.”

“Self” can be destructive to relationships, because the moment we get self-immerse we create a wall between husband and wife.  You don’t know how many times, I have been so focused on what “I” think is the best for my kids and husband, that I forget the big picture and I forget them in the process.  How about in disagreements when we focus on what we think is right, we forget that, being right is not always the best thing if is going to cause damage to the relationship.

My best friend told me many years ago, that selfishness is what destroys marriages.  If everything I do is out of self-less love and what is best for my spouse, then we are headed on the right direction.  Self-less love doesn’t mean we allow people to abuse or step over us, it just means that I don’t put “my motives” at all cost, above the relationships.

Our challenge for today is to see how we can take away “self” out and exalt “us.” Beware of the times when “selfishness” wants to show up and show off, and modify the direction the conversation, situation or argument will turn, by asking what is the best thing to do at this moment.

Wonderful marriages happen by intentional choices and building on the positives.  What is your choice today?  What are you building on?

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