My Everyday Today

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Praying for Your Family

For the last two or so months, we have increased our prayer time. My husband has replaced his usual evening youtube time, catching up on news and sports while he walks the dog, for actual prayer time. I started doing the same when I walk the dog in the morning, which is usually my time to catch up with family back in the States, since we have 12 hours difference. We are also praying with friends and have created a prayer group as well.

The changes that i have seen, in each one of us, especially my husband and I are huge. Nothing magical, no big juicy story to tell, just changes in the smallest areas, that can make a world of difference. I am so thankful for this increase prayer time. We have always prayed during family worships, meals, bedtime, etc… But now it is prayer 2.0. Just yesterday we went to the lake by the big university close to our house, and prayer walked. This was our oldest daughter’s idea. She asked if we could please go there and prayer walk (pray out loud or in our minds, while we walked) for those around us.

I invite all of you to try it and share how it goes.